A beautiful holiday wreath is one of the most classic and eye-catching Christmas decorations, instantly bringing joy and cheer to your home. It can also be a fun way to get your kids involved in creating their own festive decor.
Whether you prefer a traditional green pine wreath or a modern and stylish ornament wreath, there are plenty of creative ways to make one yourself. Using pool noodles to fashion this unique holiday decoration is a cost-effective and fun alternative. And the best part is that you can customize your wreath by incorporating colors and ornaments that match your personal style.
To make your own dazzling ornament wreath, start by cutting two pool noodles into a circular shape. Then, wrap the ends with duct tape to ensure they are firmly connected. Next, use white tape to create a candy cane stripe pattern on each noodle, evenly spacing the stripes. Once you’re done, trim off any excess tape and fold the end over to secure it.
Now that your pool noodle wreath is finished, it’s time to attach the ornaments. For this, you will need a piece of duct tape that is about 10” long. Lay the duct tape vertically and lay one of the pool noodle ends onto it taking half of the tape’s width. Continue to roll the pool noodle and tape together while gently pulling it taut. This will help give your wreath structure and security for holding a lot of heavy ornaments.