Should any problems occur while activating your kit, please contact us at +18886722875 You may be restricted from uploading the DNA data file on one of the following reasons: 1. For legal reasons it’s not possible to upload the DNA data files to those users whose place of residence is Poland or Israel. 2. As a site webmaster, you can upload DNA raw data of your family members on your family site. If you have invited a family member to join your site as a site member, but this person doesn’t have a card in the family tree, you will first have to create a person card in the tree and associate this individual to the person card. Only then you will be able to upload their DNA data. 3. If you are trying to upload the DNA file to your family member, and you have to receive a permission from the person for whom you wish to upload the information. If you would like to upload raw DNA data for a family member who has passed away, you must have received their consent in the past. Without consent, you will not be able to upload their raw DNA data.
- Discover your ancestry and find relatives you never knew existed on both your maternal and paternal sides.
- Get a detailed ethnicity breakdown with the most comprehensive list of ethnicities in the industry: 42 regions, including 7 East Asian regions.
- Simple DNA test kit with a cheek swab - takes only 2 minutes to complete.
- Huge global database enables you to get worldwide DNA Matches.
- Affordable price - includes access to test results. Uses the highest technological standards.