The Great Santa Claus Debate: To Believe or Not Believe – What to Tell the Children?

So, is Santa Claus real?

This is the most commonly asked question when Christmas is approaching and kids become really curious whether they will receive the gifts they had asked for or not. Should they send letters to Santa? Should they leave milk and cookies for Santa when he slides down the chimney? Should they stay up late to catch a glimpse of Santa Claus?

You see, it’s really confusing for kids. Not all the parents let their kids live in the fantasy world in which Santa Claus is real. The trouble is that the non-believer kids go to the same schools as the believer kids. Word goes around and kids don’t really know who to trust. So, ultimately they ask their parents for confirmation.

Now, this is where things get controversial. There are two kinds of parents: the ones who are pro-Santa and let their kids believe in Santa and the second who are anti-Santa and who don’t let their kids live in the fantasy world. There is a third party as well who doesn’t side with anyone and just let their kids figure it out on their own.

The Anti-Santa Point of View:

These parents believe that telling their kids that Santa is real is as bad as blatantly lying. As the child grows up and finds out that Santa isn’t real, he will feel betrayed and his trust on his parents will fall to pieces.

They say that they keep trying to instill honesty in their kids and if they lie to them about Santa Claus, it will make them hypocrites. Another argument that some parents give is that Santa Claus myth puts kids on the receiving end of the gifts and as a result, kids think that receiving gifts is their right and they become reluctant to give gifts. Some parents also think that being on a good behavior just for the sake of receiving presents is not a good value for kids.

Many also prefer to focus on the Christmas traditions, Christmas decoration and Christmas organization to recreate the magic of the end of year festivities without lying to their children.

The Pro-Santa Point of View:

Kids should be given a chance to live in a fantasy world because they will have to face the real life as they grow up anyway. Why spoil their childhood by telling them that Santa isn’t real?

Some of these parents even become Santa themselves (the Santa get up, complete with the white beard and the famous ‘ho, ho, ho’ laugh) so that when their kids stay awake to catch a glimpse of Santa, they could surprise them.

These parents think that letting kids believe in Santa Claus will enable their imagination to grow and it will make the kids believe in generosity and hope. We know how important that is, don’t we? They let the kids live in the fantasy world as long as they’d like because sooner or later kids figure it out on their own that Santa isn’t actually real.

My Thoughts:

I personally side with the third party. I believe in letting kids have their fun, but not actively lying to them. Help them write their letters and leave cookies and milk for Santa but when the kid actually gets around to ask you if Santa is real, tell them to figure it out on their own.

This will send them on a quest to collect evidence on the matter and almost always they reach the same conclusion and that is: Santa is a myth, but the season of goodwill should not be. And when they tell you their final verdict, congratulate them on being the perfect investigator!

Lastly, my advice is to focus on the holiday; the experiences, the meaning and the good cheer, no matter which camp you choose. Incorporate giving, children need to see that as a significant part of their life. And have fun! Lots and lots of fun. The Santa yes or no debate usually works out itself, so don’t fret!