Live Verses Artificial Christmas Trees

We would like to tell you the difference between Live and Artificial Christmas Trees. What is the difference to you personally? Do you have a preference?

There are definitely many variations when it comes to Christmas Trees whether they are live or artificial. Many people do not have a choice to have a live tree in their home for the Season, so they will choose an Artificial tree. One of the reasons may be that the trees are too expensive or they are not available for them where they live.

If you are one of those people who choose an artificial tree, you can be assured that it will not dry up for lack of watering, nor will it drop any needles on your floor. This could be a positive choice for you, and the size will always be the same. Your ornaments will always match with what you chose.

Now if you choose a live tree, there are many joys of owning one. First, the smell is unmistakable with the amazing pine smell. Second, you walk into a room that has a live Christmas Tree and you close your eyes, you have many wonderful memories popping into your brain of Christmases past.

If you have an opportunity to go into the forest to cut your own tree or a Tree Farm to pick your favorite choice, there will always be memories tied to that occasion.

When you go into the forest to cut your tree you will need to have some tools to cut the tree.

Tools needed:

  • Chain Saw or
  • Hand Saw
  • Google’s
  • Gloves
  • Rope

Now pack your family with kids and head out into the forest for a Christmas Tree cutting adventure. The memories that you will create with them will have lasting effect for a lifetime. Pack some hot chocolate and treats for added pleasure.

When you get to the location where you want to get a tree from, wander around and choose the perfect tree that you have been dreaming about. Check all sides to ensure for consistent placing of branches that will fit into its location that you have chosen. Now put on your Google’s and Gloves before you use the Chain or Hand Saw, then carefully cut the tree down.

We have found over the years to shake the tree well in order to remove all the loose needles. Before you load it, you may wish to roll the tree into a tarp and tie it with a rope to keep the shape. Next, load that treasure of your tree unto or into your vehicle and tie it down firmly. You do not want to lose it while in transport home and cause an accident on the road.

Now the fun really begins once you have the tree home and standing in the location that you have chosen. Please ensure that you pour water into the stand. Check every day to ensure plenty of water is there to keep the tree from drying up and dropping its needles.

Next the adventure begins with placing the lights and ornaments on the tree.

Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends!