The Christmas Jubilee

christmas jubilee

The Christmas Jubilee is a program organized by the Daviess County Partnership. The program aims to make the season brighter by putting a smile on the faces of many deserving families and a bit of holiday cheer to those who are less fortunate. This event will be held over the course of several days in a single location. During the course of the event, attendees can expect to get a taste of the best of the Ozarks by checking out the latest and greatest from area manufacturers.

The best part of the Jubilee is the chance to participate in the community by engaging in charitable activities. Among the activities will be a visit to the Flying W Ranch where the participants will have the opportunity to take in some cowboy action while receiving a hefty dose of holiday cheer. There will also be an assortment of festive food and drink options available to the guests.

As mentioned previously, the Christmas Jubilee is the brainchild of the Daviess County Partnership. This partnership is made up of a number of area religious organizations. These churches will partner with one another to host the event and provide the resources necessary for the community to make the most of the festive season. It is no surprise that many volunteers are needed to ensure the success of the event. Some of the churches will host the event for several hours while others will be required to make multiple trips to the ranch.