Christmas Jazz Songs

christmas jazz

Whether you are looking for a Christmas classic to play on the radio or want to jazz up your own holiday party, jazz Christmas songs can make your special day a real treat. In fact, you might be surprised to find that some of these songs are quite different from the ones you might expect.

‘Winter Wonderland’ is a classic and one of the best Christmas jazz songs of all time. It was originally a light orchestral piece from the 1940s, but was later re-arranged into its more famous jazz incarnation.

‘Winter Wonderland’ features some really impressive harmonies. It’s also one of the first Christmas jazz songs that has lyrics, so it’s well worth a listen.

‘Count Your Blessings’ is a slow jazz song that’s usually played around the holidays. It’s a simple tune, but the lyrics are fun and will give you a good laugh.

‘Winter Wonderland’ has been recorded by thousands of singers. It’s one of the most recognizable Christmas songs of all time. It’s also one of the most fun Christmas jazz songs to listen to.

‘Pure Imagination’ is another Christmas jazz song that’s a little more recent than the others on this list. It was written for the 1971 film adaptation of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and features some fruity harmonic moments.

‘The Christmas Song’ is another of the most famous Christmas jazz songs of all time. It was first recorded by Louis Armstrong in 1953. It’s not as Christmassy as some of the others on this list, but it’s still a good Christmas jazz song.