Christmas Nativity Scene

christmas nativity scene

During the Christmas season, nativities are displayed in homes, churches, and public places. These displays typically include figurines of the Virgin Mary, Joseph, shepherds, and wise men.

The first known nativity scene was created by Saint Francis of Assisi in 1223. His idea was inspired by his visit to the Holy Land. His goal was to help Christians learn the true meaning of Christmas.

The nativity scenes we see today have a few differences from the original events. They may include animals that were not mentioned in the Bible.

Most nativities contain figures of oxen, donkeys, and other farm animals. The animals are not mentioned in the Bible, so there is no historical evidence that they were actually present during the birth of Jesus.

Some nativities also feature angels. This is probably because the shepherds, wise men, and other figures were not visible to the angels at the time of the birth of Jesus.

Most nativity sets include the manger, which is the traditional location of the birth of Jesus. The manger is usually made of wood or ceramic.

The manger may have other objects such as the Star of Bethlehem, sheep, and other items. A baby Jesus figurine should be placed in the center of the manger.

Some nativities also feature the wise men, who presented gifts to Jesus. They are added on December 31.

The manger may be inside a barn, cave, or another place. A nativity set can be put on a table or below the Christmas tree. You can also wrap white holiday lights around the manger to mimic the appearance of snow.